Nature Bits

Photo by Paul Wallace of CressyAs the NatureStuff website continues to grow, there are often articles and submissions that we want to see on the website, but don’t really fit under any of the current Menu headings. This section is where you are apt to find these miscellaneous topics. If you have any ideas for topics of interest for the NatureStuff website, feel free to e-mail me and we’ll have a look at what you’ve got. As much as we can, we like to focus on the Quinte region and all the different opportunities there are out there for nature enthusiasts. But don’t let that stop you from submitting something for consideration.
Currently, this section of the website offers the following: Do you have an environmental beef? Then submit it to me for consideration and I will post it under our  Environmental Rant section. Learn about a rare Grey Fox in Thurlow, and a collection of articles by Belleville resident, John Lowry, under the heading of Nature Nuggets. More will be appearing in the months to come. Be sure to check in again.

PHOTO DESCRIPTION: This photo was taken at Cressy of a pair of Bald Eagles that have nested for several years, one of a half dozen or so pairs of eagles that currently call Prince Edward County their home for raising their young. Eagles have not nested in the County since 1948 when DDT all but wiped them out

Community Trees – Seedlings Available

COMMUNITY TREES 2025PUBLIC ORDER FORM FOR BULK PURCHASING IS NOW LIVEIf you are interested in purchasing bare-root trees/shrubs in bundles of 25 per species, you may do so here. The order form will be available until April 30th or while supplies last.Participating municipalities to…

Watch For Dangers When Out Foraging

When I used to work for a conservation authority in Picton, one of my jobs in early spring was to visit all the local schools and warn the kids of the dangers of playing too closely to fast flowing water and flooded areas. One…

Time for Ox-eye Daisy Snacks

OX-EYE DAISY SNACKS My late father never worried too much about weeds on the farm. Crop rotation generally kept most weeds in check, and a sharpened hoe did an adequate job in keeping them out of our potato patch and tomato fields. I know,…