

This is the place to be for birding news in Prince Edward County and the general Bay of Quinte area. Here you will find a summary of what birds to expect in the area each month, and under the Quinte Area Birding Report, what has occurred every day in the past week. Doug McRae’s Presqu’ile Bird Roundup is also carried in this section. Learn about great places to find birds in the region. There is also a checklist of all birds that have been seen in Prince Edward County. Under Naturalization, you will find helpful hints each month on how to attract birds and other wildlife to your backyard, and similar hints under Birdfeeding.

Ontario Rare Bird Report

Ontario Rare Bird Report for the week of March 21, 2025 This weekly report provides information about bird sightings that aresignificant due to the species, the location and/or time of year of thesighting.  Within these weekly reports, as much detail will be provided aspossible…

What Birds Can We Expect to See in April?

We always say that winter will continue, until it decides that it is finished. Certainly, that can be true as occasional flurries, cold temperatures and bitter winds persist right though until almost the end of March, and even a bit into April. Some migrants…

Kingston and Area Bird Sightings

Kingston Area Birds  March 15, 2025 – March 21, 2025Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintain records in a 50km radius ofMacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders using eBird are encouraged to share theirsightings with ‘Kingston FN’. Alternatively, please email  records directlyto me – contact details below. Please…

It’s March – What Birds Are Here This month?

While March generally marks the start of the spring migration, the date of arrival is almost as uncertain as the weather itself.  Persistent snowfalls and blustery weather will halt the northward movement, while an early spring will prompt the arrival of RED-WINGED BLACKBIRDS, NORTHERN…

Quinte Field Naturalists Annual Dinner

Greetings to all: Quinte Field Naturalists is pleased to announce its Annual Fundraising Dinner on Wednesday, May 14th We invite you to enjoy a delicious meal, hear a wonderful speaker, and support QFN’s efforts to conserve and protect nature in your neighbourhood and beyond….
