Kingston and Area Bird Sightings

Kingston Area Birds 20 April 2024 – 26 Apr. 2024Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintain records in a 50km radius ofMacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders using eBird are encouraged to share theirsightings with ‘Kingston FN’. Alternatively, please email  records directlyto me – contact details below. Please…

Quinte Field Naturalists 2nd Annual Plant Sale

The Two Of Us

Soon to be released ! Here are a few excerpts ….. HOW IT ALL BEGAN I looked back at the dog who now stared at me, her tail wagging. The dog did look cute, I had to admit, her sparkling eyes and a characteristic…

Ian Barker: A Peregrination in Patagonia

Kingston Field Naturalists Bioblitz

Muskrats, Water and Cattails


Butterflies of Prince Edward County by Paul Catling – 2014

FIELD GUIDE TO BUTTERFLIES LONG OVERDUE      The field guide was out of date before it was even launched! This frustrating experience happens to all authors of field guides and reference books when they deal with something as dynamic as wildlife.. And, so it was…

Birds of Prince Edward County – 1969 & 1984

Up Before Five – the Family Farm

A humorous look at growing up on the family farm in Prince Edward County by Terry Sprague, 2011 1,000 copies sold! Now out of print. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING ABOUT “UP BEFORE FIVE” “A story of farming life riddled with humour and characters from…

What Bird Species can we Expect to see in April?

We always say that winter will continue, until it decides that it is finished. Certainly, that can be true as occasional flurries, cold temperatures and bitter winds persist right though until almost the end of March, and even a bit into April. Some migrants…