Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada
COMMUNITY TREES 2025PUBLIC ORDER FORM FOR BULK PURCHASING IS NOW LIVEIf you are interested in purchasing bare-root trees/shrubs in bundles of 25 per species, you may do so here. The order form will be available until April 30th or while supplies last.Participating municipalities to…
When I used to work for a conservation authority in Picton, one of my jobs in early spring was to visit all the local schools and warn the kids of the dangers of playing too closely to fast flowing water and flooded areas. One…
OX-EYE DAISY SNACKS My late father never worried too much about weeds on the farm. Crop rotation generally kept most weeds in check, and a sharpened hoe did an adequate job in keeping them out of our potato patch and tomato fields. I know,…
Before the snow flies and the ground freezes, now would be a good time to dig up a few Jerusalem artichokes , (Helianthus tuberosus) if you have them in your garden, or know where some might be growing. For years, I grew them in…
NATURE NUGGETS is a collection of various news items that may be of interest to NATURESTUFF readers BELLEVILLE RESIDENT, JOHN LOWRY, HAS A PRODUCTIVE YEAR, COLLECTING CANS AND BOTTLES It has been a very good year for my beer can fund raising efforts and…
On September 18th, 60 wonderful volunteers combed the roads and beach areas of the South Shore as part of our annual clean up. What they achieved was impressive but also very alarming. Almost 1000 pounds of garbage was collected and then disposed Our South…
Fundraising efforts toward the restoration of the unique, Moses Hudgin Log House (MHLH) on Ostrander Point Road in South Marysburgh are underway. People can support Hudgin Log House restoration efforts by making a charitable donation and becoming a Hudgin Log House sponsor or patron….
FROGS IN NEED OF CONSERVATION! Matt Ellerbeck – Frog Advocate & Conservationist (photo credit may be seen by “mousing over” the photo) Frog are in terrible trouble. Around 33% of all the world’s frog species are threatened with extinction. This includes several forms found…
LIZARDS IN TROUBLE: BOTH IN ONTARIO and GLOBALLY by Matt Ellerbeck Lizards have existed, relatively unchanged for over 200 million years. However, now lizards find themselves very much in trouble. Around 30% of the world’s lizard species are threatened with extinction. One the biggest…